
Kandla Custom Brokers Association

  • The Association has been registered in the year 2019 under the Companies Act. It has also has been registered under the income Tax Act, bearing its legal entity.
  • The founding fathers of the Kandla Custom House Agents Association, who were of outstanding grit and character of sagacity and pragmatic wisdom, charted and laid out Rules and Regulations to be followed, before it was rechristened as KANDLA CUSTOM BROKERS ASOOCIATION.
  • In terms of the Memorandum of Association, the objects for which the Association is established are multi-fold.
    • To carry out the activities of providing education, research and training to the custom brokers/members by arranging workshop, seminars, conferences for the betterment of knowledge on various issues concerning port/custom and allied agencies and to promote use of technology for effective rendering of custom and port related services;
    • To publish journals or magazines for publication of statistical data, news and information related to changes in custom related laws or other allied laws and for spreading and circulation of information on the activities carried by the association;
    • To carry out all other activities as may be required to promote and protect interest of custom brokers/members and for others dealing with the Custom House, Kandla and Deendayal Port Trust, Kandla and also for the promotion of charity, commerce, health and social objects in the Kutch Region of Gujarat;
    • To improve the working conditions and work culture for the employees and workers recruited by the members of the Company providing services at Deendayal Port Trust, Kandla and at CFSs, ICDs and other agencies directly or indirectly related to custom and port services;
    • To make representation before the Custom House, Deendayal Port Trust, and state/central government or other authority on behalf of custom brokers/members and for others dealing with the Custom House, Kandla and Deendayal Port Trust, Kandla for redressal of grievances or solutions of the problems faced by any of them while rendering services as custom brokers or otherwise;
    • To be the member of any other Associations, FFFAI, Chamber of Commerce and other apex bodies of Kandla Customs Brokers' Association.
  • Though the Association building was purchased in the year 1984, by the Doyens of the day, the functioning of the association was carried out at the C&F scheme floor of the Dock Labour Board, till July 1988. From August 1988 the Association has started functioning from its own premises.